[one-half]USD Design | MACH Consulting was independently engaged by the Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR) to help complete this $351M project. Bruce was extensively involved in the overall exhibit technology implementations, business systems, museum-wide accessibility initiatives and the software implementations of nine different external media companies. Projects ranged in complexity from large multitouch tables, individual kiosks, video stations and theaters, and a mobile application utilizing low energy bluetooth all incorporating a variety of digital, physical, and hybrid analog/electronic interface components. Bruce was also integral in overseeing the AV specification and delivery in cooperation with Electrosonic, directly managing the budget and resources for specification, installation, and acceptance. Bruce continues to be involved in the project since opening on September 20, 2014.

The CMHR incorporated a comprehensive inclusive design mandate, setting new standards for universal accessibility, that meet or exceed the Smithsonian standards for the same. We developed approaches using best practices and standards, defined user flows for text-to-speech, wrote and edited TTS scripts, and designed interfaces, interactions and content presentations from the needs of people in the disability community.[/one-half]

[one-half last]
Scope of Responsibility: RFP Development and Review, AV Integration, Accessibility Implementation, Media Installations, Media Partner oversight, Software Testing and Review, Partial Business Systems, Partial Mobile Implementation

Approximate Budget: $351M Canadian

Duration: Fall, 2012 — Fall, 2014: Inaugural Exhibits. Fall, 2015 — present: Accessibility Review, Engagement Analytics

Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

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